Vos, M., Erve, A. van het, Gouw, N. de, Haataja, M., Hokkanen, L., Johansson, C., Linnell, M., Olofsson, A., Rantanen, H., Sullivan, H.T., Vergeer, F., Wall, E. (2014), Public Empowerment – Guidelines for engaging the public in crisis management. Project Public Empowerment Policies for Crisis Management (FP7-284927), (68p.)

This guide of the project PEP explains how public empowerment can be enhanced and how technology can support citizen preparedness and response. Guidelines are given for public empowerment in all phases of a crisis.

Vos, M., Erve, A. van het, Gouw, N. de, Hokkanen, L., Johansson, C., Laajalahti, A., Linnell, M., Meriläinen, N., Olofsson, A., Öhman, S., Rantanen, H., Stal, M., Vergeer, F., Wall, E. (2014), Roadmap ‘Public empowerment policies for crisis management’. Project Public Empowerment Policies for Crisis Management (FP7-284927), (40p.)

This policy memo of the project PEP charts directions for research and practices supporting human resilience. It explains why public empowerment policies have not yet been developed in many places and mentions barriers that need attention in policymaking and future research. 

Ruggiero, A., Vos, M. and Palttala, P. (2015), CBRN Communication Scorecard. Report project CATO (FP7-261693), (41 p.) 

This scorecard of the project CATO serves as a tool to reflect on CBRN terror emergency communication preparedness and to evaluate crisis communication performance in an exercise. A broader Crisis Communication Scorecard for various kinds of crises can be found here.

Mykkänen, M. and Vos, M. (2014), Clarifying the role of communication experts in CBRN terrorism crises. Report project CATO (FP7-261693), (9 p.)

As CBRN terror crisis situations require attention of many different experts, this paper explains the role of communication experts in such crises. General guides on emergency communication were provided by the project CrisComScore.

  The latter two reports were also published in a book: Schmidt, S. and Vos, M. (eds, 2015), Behavior and Communication in CBRN crises - Findings and recommendations in case of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks on society. Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich.